Saturday, March 26, 2011

Please and thank you

There are a few common courtesies that I think everyone should know and follow.
1. Saying Please and Thank you- use at least one!!!
2. Holding the door open for someone behind you- especially if they are carrying a kid or have their hands full.
3. Making your children clean up before you leave someones house- don't leave my kid to clean up the mess that they made together.
4. Don't smack your food!!!! 
5. Close the toilet lid- I live with three boys and I never fall into the toilet unless we have company. 
6. Squeeze from the bottom of the tube.
7. Keep your children with you and quiet when you are in a public place- no one wants you snot nosed child coming up to them while they are trying to eat or screaming at the DMV
8. Let the elderly, handicapped or women with strollers go thru a door first if you get there at the same time and holding it open would be nice!
9. Don't use your cell phone when you are at a counter, just sat at a table in a restaurant or in any other situation where you have to answer questions to someone not on the phone.
10. (again on the cell phone theme) Don't scream when you talk on the phone- the person can hear you if you use your regular speaking voice, that the great thing about technology!

Live well and be happy. Till tomorrow!

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