Thursday, March 17, 2011

Slow start

Well I made the commitment yesterday knowing I had a bit of a cold which I could normally tough through. However, after my first post I accidentally stabbed my had with a kitchen knife and had to go to the hospital. Then had a terrible nights sleep because I became even more sick. Although discouraging I am going to push through. I started my morning with a cup green tea to help me feel better and clear my head. I am going to eat right, cut out sugars, breads and sodium and hopefully feel up to a  little walk with my boys this afternoon. Also, I am signing up at the YMCA, I'm a sucker for fitness classes and they offer like 12 a day! I'll be looking good in know time.

I feel like I need to include my whole motivation behind this blog. Aside from the obvious looks of the situation I really want to retrain my life. I have lost weight many times through healthy eating(not dieting) and exercise but then I go back to enjoying the not so healthy things and end up at around 170 lbs. Then the cycle begins again. I hate the yo-yo and this time I am making a permanent change. I am at an all time high in my weight because of having a baby and being on bed rest my last two months of pregnancy and I feel awful! I want to change my life, I want to feel good about myself and have the mental clarity that comes with feeling good and as soon as I achieve that I want to help others do the same. I start school in a few weeks and I'm enrolled in the exercise science program. My plan is to become a personal trainer and nutritionist. This is a career in which I will finally feel like I am making a difference in peoples lives!

Well I have to get going on my day!

Live well and be happy! Till tomorrow...


  1. I think this is awesome :-D Maybe you'll inspire me to get my own butt moving! lol

  2. It will be warm soon and I plan on getting a moby so maybe we can go hike the trails @ the Buford Dam or Stone Mt sometime!
